A Psychological Theory of Work Adjustment: An Individual-Differences Model and Its Applications (1984)
by René V. Dawis and Lloyd H. Lofquist
Adjustment to Work (1969)
by Lloyd H. Lofquist and René V. Dawis
Essentials of Person-Environment-Correspondence Counseling (1991)
by Lloyd H. Lofquist and René V. Dawis
Monographs in the Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation series describe the development of the instruments developed as part of the Work Adjustment Project (MIQ, MJDQ, MSQ, MSS) and detail the application of these instruments to problems of vocational rehabilitation. All monographs (except two which have been consolidated into an updated document) are available for download as PDF files.
- Research Plan and Bibliography
- A Study of Referral Information
- A Follow-Up Study of Placement Success
- A Study of 1,637 DVR Counselees
- Methodological Problems in Rehabilitation Research
- A Survey of the Physically Handicapped in Minnesota
- Factors Related to Employment Success
- A Study of ES Applicants
- The Application of Research Results
- A Definition of Work Adjustment
- Attitudinal Barriers to Employment
- Validity of Work Histories Obtained by Interview
- The Measurement of Employment Satisfaction
- The Measurement of Employment Satisfactoriness
- A Theory of Work Adjustment (also see 23)
- The Measurement of Vocational Needs
- Disability and Work
- Construct Validation Studies of the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire
- An Inferential Approach to Occupational Reinforcement
- Seven Years of Research on Work Adjustment
- Instrumentation for the Theory of Work Adjustment
- Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire
- A Theory of Work Adjustment (A Revision)
- *** Occupational Reinforcer Patterns (Volume I)
- The Measurement of Occupational Reinforcer Patterns
- A Follow-Up Study of Former Clients of the Minnesota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Manual for the Minnesota Satisfactoriness Scales
- Technical Manual for the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire
- *** Occupational Reinforcer Patterns (Volume II)
- Applications of the Theory of Work Adjustment to Rehabilitation and Counseling
***Occupational Reinforcer Patterns Volumes I and II have been combined into an expanded volume of Occupational Reinforcer Patterns-III (1986)
Minnesota Occupational Classification System (MOCS III) 1987: A Psychological Taxonomy of Work
(Note:This PDF document is approximately 64 MB)
This volume presents a classification system that is the product of thirty years of research by the Work Adjustment Project. MOCS III classifies 846 benchmark occupations and 923 alternative occupational titles in the form of 131 separate taxons. Occupational membership in a given taxon is determined by status of the occupation on two dimensions: ability requirements and reinforcer system.The system is capable of classifying all of the occupations in the U. S. Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Additional information imbedded in the taxonomy is designed to enrich the amount of desirable and relevant occupational information available to the vocational counselor and the client.