Elliott Hall
Vocational Psychology Research (VPR) has been part of the Work Adjustment Project in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota since 1970. The Work Adjustment Project was supported by grants from the U.S. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (later called the Rehabilitation Services Administration) from 1959 through the early 1970s.  Its Principal Investigators were Professors Lloyd H. Lofquist and René V. Dawis. 
This website makes available the instruments and materials developed to operationalize, test, and apply the Theory of Work Adjustment. These instruments have been designed to assess work personalities and work environments. They have a long history of providing vocationally useful information. The assessment instruments, manuals, supporting materials, research monographs, and research bibliographies are available from this Web site. VPR cannot provide any support for the use of any of the instruments available.

As of July 2016, all VPR instruments are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.  This license allows the instruments to be used for research or clinical work free of charge and without written consent, provided that you acknowledge Vocational Psychology Research, University of Minnesota, as the source of the material in your reproduced materials (printed or electronic). The license allows translations of the instruments into any language, without cost, when the instruments are used for research or clinical purposes.  This license does not allow commercial use or reproduction for sale.

You are encouraged to review the manuals and prior research for the instruments before administering them, as scoring varies from instrument to instrument. Please note that the University of Minnesota or VPR cannot provide assistance in administration or scoring, or answer any questions about VPR materials. If you are interested in exploring the instruments available, please click the Instruments tab at the top of this page. All of our instruments, answer sheets, and research publications are available in PDF format for download.